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HomePrivate CloudStriking Down the Most Common In-Office Objections to VMware

Striking Down the Most Common In-Office Objections to VMware

VMware is a powerful, flexible virtualization solution that can help businesses of all sizes reduce costs and improve efficiency. With VMware, organizations can create virtual machines (VMs) with the same or better performance than physical systems and manage their IT infrastructure easier. It also offers greater security and scalability for large deployments.

In addition to its cost savings, organizations often choose VMware for its superior performance and scalability.

Yet, despite the capability and power offered by VMware, many organizations have reservations when it comes to adopting VMware as an integral part of their IT infrastructure. From security concerns to perceived complexity, objections run far and wide as to why a tool like VMware might not be welcome in a business.

Striking down the most common in-office objections to VMware can lead a business to new frontiers. Learn more about VMware and why it could be the ideal choice for your business.

Why Liquid Web Moved Into the Private Cloud Hosting Space

For years, Liquid Web offered traditional hosting solutions to small and mid-sized businesses. They continue to do so today precisely because public and private clouds are not always the right choice.

However, the rise of the cloud (and its increasing adoption) got the attention of Liquid Web’s customers almost right away. While its VPS Hosting and dedicated solutions remain best-in-class, the guiding lights have always been to offer the midmarket the solutions they want and the solutions that are right for their business needs.

With that in mind, Liquid Web was quick to develop and introduce private cloud solutions. Many organizations are looking for the best possible technology to address their needs, and the cloud is, indeed, the right choice for each.

Why Liquid Web Partners With VMware

Early on, Liquid Web recognized that delivering the best private cloud solutions to its customers meant offering the best tools as part of those solutions. For Liquid Web, the choice was clear: VMware.

Leading-Edge Technology for Businesses

By using VMware technology, Liquid Web can offer superior performance and scalability while reducing hardware and software costs. Additionally, by utilizing its cloud platform, businesses can easily manage their IT infrastructure while taking advantage of advanced technologies, such as machine learning.

A Wide Range of Use Cases for Businesses Around the World

Liquid Web and VMware provide businesses around the world with a wide range of use cases for their IT infrastructure. Companies can reduce costs, increase efficiency, and benefit from advanced technologies, such as automation. Additionally, VMware’s secure platform provides businesses with the peace of mind that comes from knowing their data is safe.

Customer Needs AND Wants

Many customers come to Liquid Web with specific needs and wants that require VMware technology. Some of the most common requests include:

  • The ability to quickly provision new virtual machines.
  • A secure environment for hosting applications and data.
  • High availability and scalability for large deployments.
  • An easy way to manage their IT infrastructure.
  • Easy access to their VMs from anywhere.
  • Savings through reduced hardware and software costs.

Liquid Web’s confidence in offering VMware is unwavering, and thousands of customers agree.

The Most Common Objections to Using VMware

Despite its many advantages, there are still some common in-office objections to VMware in an office environment. Take a look at the most common objections and how you can overcome them.


One of the common in-office objections is that VMware is too expensive. VMware can reduce hardware costs by eliminating the need for physical servers and other expensive IT infrastructure. It also enables businesses to reduce their IT staff costs, thanks to its automated management capabilities. In the end, the long-term savings far outweigh the high initial cost.


Another objection is that VMware is too complex and difficult to manage. While it can be complicated, there are many tools available to make it easier. Additionally, Liquid Web has certified engineers on staff who can help businesses with the setup and management of their VMware environment. Liquid Web’s managed VMware Private Cloud solution takes all VMware management activity off of your team, freeing up your own resources while delivering all of VMware’s vast capabilities.

Vendor Lock-In

Some businesses fear that deploying VMware will lock them into a single vendor. Selecting an independent cloud provider, such as Liquid Web, that offers multiple deployment options and the ability to migrate between them alleviates this concern.

Limited Customizations

Another common objection is that VMware does not offer enough customization options. While there are some limitations, the platform supports a variety of application and integration requirements that can be tailored to meet specific customer needs. Additionally, VMware offers a wide range of APIs for additional customization.

Security Concerns

Finally, some businesses worry that VMware isn’t secure. However, VMware is designed with security in mind and comes with robust tools for monitoring system performance and preventing unauthorized access. It also offers built-in encryption that helps protect sensitive data from being compromised.

Overcoming these objections

By understanding these common in-office objections, businesses can take steps to address them and make an informed decision when considering VMware. To ensure its success, they should seek the guidance of a qualified professional who can assist with identifying their needs and customizing the platform accordingly. Consider these best practices for building a business case to adopt VMware at your organization:

Start With a Rock-Solid Plan

Businesses must start with a solid plan when implementing VMware. This means clearly defining the business goals and objectives for the project, as well as establishing a timeline for implementation. Additionally, it is essential to have an experienced team in place that can provide guidance and support throughout the process.

Define Business Outcomes

To realize the full potential of VMware, organizations must define and measure specific business outcomes. This includes setting performance metrics that can be tracked to ensure the project is on course and meeting or exceeding expectations. Additionally, it is important to establish a process for monitoring and adapting the system as needed to maintain optimal performance.

Create a Roadmap to Outcomes, Not Activity

Finally, businesses should create a roadmap that focuses on outcomes rather than activities. This means setting realistic, achievable, and measurable objectives while also taking into account any potential risks or challenges that may arise along the way. By taking these steps, businesses can ensure they’re getting the most out of their VMware deployment.

Gain Buy-In From Leadership and Team

In addition to the technical aspects of deploying VMware, it’s important to get buy-in from leadership and the team. Cultivate an understanding among staff that VMware is a valuable investment for the business and will lead to improved efficiency, productivity, and cost savings.

Communicate the Benefits of VMware Early On

The key to increasing buy-in from peers and leadership is communicating the benefits right away. Explain how the system can improve performance, reduce costs, and streamline processes for the business. It’s also important to demonstrate a commitment to customer service by providing prompt support and addressing customer concerns quickly and effectively.

Educate on Outcomes

Educate the team on the potential outcomes of deploying VMware. This will help ensure that everyone is on board with the project and understands how their roles may be impacted by implementing this technology.

Address Concerns and Questions Head On

It is essential to address any concerns or questions that may arise during the deployment process. This includes providing technical support and making sure everyone understands how the system works and what they need to do to be successful.

Keep Leadership Updated

Additionally, make sure that everyone is kept up to date on the latest news and developments related to VMware. This includes any new features, updates, or security patches that have been released. By staying informed, your team will be better prepared to take advantage of all the benefits this platform has to offer.

Showcase Success Stories

Finally, it’s important to showcase successful implementation stories from other businesses. This will help demonstrate the potential of VMware and the success that it can achieve when implemented correctly. Showcasing these stories may even provide guidance on how to best utilize the platform for maximum benefit.

Leverage a VMware Partner

Businesses should consider leveraging a VMware partner to help with the deployment process. These partners can provide valuable expertise and guidance on best practices for deploying and managing VMware solutions. Additionally, they can be a great resource for troubleshooting any issues that may arise during the project.

Cost Optimization

To ensure a successful and cost-effective deployment, businesses should focus on cost optimization. This means investigating ways to reduce costs while also ensuring the system meets all relevant security requirements. Additionally, businesses should create an ongoing budget for the maintenance and support of their VMware environment.

Complexity Reduction

Businesses should also look for ways to simplify the deployment process. This includes identifying any potential areas of complexity and streamlining them where possible. By doing this, businesses can ensure that their VMware environment runs as smoothly and efficiently as possible.

A Deeper Well of Expertise and Experience

The most successful VMware deployments come from organizations that have a deep well of expertise and experience. With the right team in place, businesses can ensure their solutions are deployed correctly and efficiently, with minimal disruption to operations.

A Clear Case for VMware

VMware is a powerful virtualization solution that can help organizations of all sizes reduce costs and improve efficiency. By striking down the most common in-office objections to VMware and addressing them appropriately, businesses can be confident that they’re making an informed decision when considering this platform. With the right planning, support, and team in place, businesses can ensure that their virtual environment is optimized for success.

Liquid Web has the experience and expertise to provide businesses with the necessary guidance and support throughout this process. Contact Liquid Web today to learn more about how our services can help you make the most of your VMware deployment.




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